About Conference

    Dear Colleagues,

    On behalf of the Conference Organizing Committee and Apex Global Meetings Conferences, it is our pleasure to invite all the world famous/leading scientists, outstanding researchers, academic people and industrialists from all over the world to attend the International Conference on Global Summit on Biotechnology and Biomaterials Science (GSBBS2025) which is to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during September 11-13, 2025.

    We welcome you to join us and be a part of knowledge and views in respect to the theme “Exploring the Frontiers of Biotechnology: Innovations, Obstacles, and Future Outlooks".(GSBBS2025) will provide a wonderful opportunity for academicians, researchers, scientists, Engineers and pioneering students working in the fields of Biotechnology, Biomaterials and Bioscience to exchange, share and discuss their unique ideas, new knowledge and cutting-Edge science, unveiling recent trends and advancement for accelerating scientific Discoveries in the area, offering the opportunity to all delegates for networking, also Globalizing the research by installing a dialogue between industries and academics for Launching new technologies and applications. We are looking forward to seeing you at this exciting event to meet with the world Famous/leading scientists and outstanding researchers for sharing new and exciting Ideas/results in Biotechnology and Biomaterials.

    We look forward to your valuable presence at GSBBS2025 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Isha | Conference Manager
    Apex Global Meetings

    Biotechnology: The use of living organisms or their systems to develop or make useful products.

    Biochemistry: -The branch of science that explores the chemical processes within and related to living organisms.

    Bioethics: Ethical considerations related to biotechnology and its applications.

    Bioinformatics: The use of computer science and mathematics to analyze biological data.

    Biological Diversity: The variety of life forms on Earth, including biodiversity conservation.

    Biology:- The science of life and living organisms.

    Biomedical Research: Research focused on understanding health and disease.

    Biopharmaceuticals: Medicines produced using biotechnology, including vaccines and gene therapies.

    Biophysics: Applying physics principles to understand biological processes.

    Bioprocessing: Techniques for large-scale production of biological products, such as fermentation.

    Bioremediation: Using living organisms to clean up environmental pollutants.

    Cell Biology: The study of cells, the basic structural and functional units of life.

    Cloning: Creating genetically identical copies of an organism or gene.

    CRISPR-Cas9: A revolutionary gene-editing tool in biotechnology.

    Ecology: The study of the relationships between organisms and their environments.

    Epidemiology: The study of the distribution and causes of diseases in populations.

    Evolution: The process by which species change over time.

    Fermentation: A process used to produce biofuels, enzymes, and other bioproducts.

    Gene Editing: Precise modification of an organism

    Genetic Engineering: The manipulation of an organism

    Growth Factors

    The global biotechnology market was valued at USD 1.55 trillion and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.96% from 2024 to 2030. The market is driven by strong government support through initiatives aimed at the modernization of regulatory framework, improvements in approval processes & reimbursement policies, as well as standardization of clinical studies. The growing foothold of personalized medicine and an increasing number of orphan drug formulations are opening new avenues for biotechnology applications and are driving the influx of emerging and innovative biotechnology companies, further boosting the market revenue.

    Expanding demand for biotechnology tools for agricultural applications including micro-propagation, molecular breeding, tissue culturing, conventional plant breeding & development of genetically modified crops, among others, have boosted the market growth. Moreover, genetically modified crops and herbicide-tolerant & insect resistant seeds are witnessing an increasing popularity and are contributing to the market growth. Rise in adoption of tissue culture technology for production of novel rice variants and disease- & pest-free banana varieties in regions of South Asia and Africa, and use of the technology for cloning of disease-free and nutritious plant varieties have propelled the agricultural applications for biotechnology.

    The market is also driven by the presence of strong clinical trial pipeline and funding opportunities available in tissue engineering and regeneration technologies. As per the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, companies developing cell and gene therapies raised over USD 23.1 billion investments globally in 2021, an increase of about 16% over 2020’s total of USD 19.9 billion. Clinical success of leading gene therapy players in 2021, such as promising results from an in vivo CRISPR treatment for transthyretin amyloidosis, developed by Intellia Therapeutics and Regeneron, are significantly affecting the market growth.

    Important Dates

    Abstract Submission Deadline

    July 29, 2025

    Earlybird Registration Deadline

    September 24, 2024

    Standard Registration Deadline

    January 24, 2025

    Onspot Registration

    September 11, 2025

    Scientific Committee

    Volen Atim

    Dr. Alessandro Blasi

    ENEA Italian National Agency for New Technologies
    Volen Atim

    Dr. Cristiano Jose de Andrade

    Federal University of Santa Catarina
    Volen Atim

    Dr. Hari Mohan Srivastava

    Universtity of Victoria


    Registration Includes

    • Access to all conference sessions, poster and exhibition area
    • Conference kit including name tag, program booklet and Abstracts book
    • 2 Coffee breaks and lunch for all the event days of the conference
    • Certificate of participation from Conference chair/ Session chair
    • Access to the all scientific sessions
    • Access to Business Development Sessions and Global Networking Session

    Benefits of Joining Conference

    • Encouraged to publish full length articles in Supporting Journals with discounted APC charges
    • Best Oral, Poster and Young Research Forum (YRF) presentation awards
    • Get Opportunity to Collaborate with future Apex Global Meetings
    • Avail Group Booking Discounts
    • All the articles presented in this conference will be considered for publications as per their quality in SCI / SCIE / SCOPUS / Peer Reviewed journals of Springer and / or other publishers

    Group Booking Discounts

    Groups of three or more will receive a Special discount by using the group code. If you have any queries, please contact us at or call
